I just had my last wisdom tooth taken out and I’m whacked out on Ibuprofen. Great time to do some redesigning (I want to try it on morphine next time). I’m upgrading to WordPress 2.1.2 and K2 0.95 RC1. This might make things look pretty ugly for a while, it should clear up pretty soon.
Update 3-3-2007 20:57: WordPress 2.1.2 up and running.
Update 3-3-2007 21:00: K2 0.95 RC1 barebone up.
Update 3-3-2007 21:05: K2 CSS set to included Vader sample.
Update 3-3-2007 21:07: Starting plugin upgrades.
Update 3-3-2007 21:25: Upgraded all previously used plugins, activated them, everything seems to work. Installing new plugins now.
Update 3-3-2007 22:05: Trying out some standard styles to find a good starting point.
Update 3-3-2007 22:20: Starting out with TrueBlue as my template.
Update 4-3-2007 01:05: Ph34r my Web2.0 logo. It is… glossy. It’s just a temporary thing, but I kinda like it.
Update 4-3-2007 16:42: Added AJAX loading support for the More tag. This might keep my frontpage more readible.
Update 4-3-2007 16:54: Added full text feed plugin, so using the More tag doesn’t prevent full feed from being loaded into the RSS feed.
Update 4-3-2007 20:15: Working on an AJAX style topshelf (similar to the effect on the Foliage theme). The site is going to be really, really wacky until I get this working right.
Update 4-3-2007 21:43: I really, really hate that shelf. I’m going to get it working if it’s the last thing I do. In the meantime, I added back some of the Unsleepable CSS. I really liked the lowercase headings.
Update 5-3-2007 20:20: Never mind, fuck the shelf. I’m gonna work on the rest.
3 March 2007
ik ben benieuwd
Ziet er strak uit. Mag binnenkort ook eens zien hoe WordPress in z’n werk gaat…
[quote comment=”499″]ik ben benieuwd[/quote]
Test of de Quoter werkt in deze theme.
Waarom schrijf je dit nou eigenlijk toch in het Engels dan?
Euh… De ibuprofen, denk ik 🙂